Now and Then

I came across a photo I had taken in December 2012 and thought that I would take one of what I look like today to compare. I don’t see a lot of difference between the two but I do remember how I felt then and the big difference to how I feel now.

I have been on this challenge for 1.5 days now and am finding it ok, but definitely have to say it’s mainly because of my frame of mind more than what I’m eating. I would never have lasted this long before! Yes kinda pathetic for 1.5 days I know, sad but true.

That is because I’m determined to be who I want to be, not who I have let myself become and evolve into through sheer neglect.

I have thought long and hard about who I am, what I am like and worked to become the person I’m happy with as far as my personality goes but have neglected the carriage that carries me around… Time to do some long-awaited maintenance and tune it up a bit!!!

Watch me go from Brrrmmmmmm puut puut Cough splutter – to Va va va VOOoooom!! 😉

Sharyn 2012 - 2014

Some of the things that keep me going are the most important weapons a girl can have at her disposal.

1) Water – and lots of it
2) Positive attitude
3) Ability to banish fear
4) Good SOH
5) A shit load of support from friends.

I have found Facebook really good for points 2 through 5 but your on your own for number ones LOL

The Memes, posts, comments and constant contact from people I never see has really been amazing for me.  I guess that is why I want to keep doing this to, because someone out there might benefit from one thing I might say and that will make me endlessly happy knowing I have helped someone!!

WELL – I better get off my butt and keep going, till next we meet

Have a GREAT day xxx  🙂

And remember, to get energy, you have to spend it!!

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