AWOL – No Excuses

For the last few weeks I have been AWOL – WHY?? Because I fell off the wagon and it took off without me. What have I done about it – To date, Nothing!

I had a discussion with my daughter last night about how I was feeling and she asked me ‘why Mum’, Hmmm indeed… From there I did quite a bit of reflecting on the whys and where-fore’s and came up with ZIP.

So Why can’t I come up with an answer, Primarily because I wasn’t really in the right frame of mind; which incidentally is why I let go of my grip and feel off in the first place I .  Maybe also because I didn’t want to admit to myself why, does one ever really know? Or are these why?

What I do know is that I am not happy about it, I’m not going to continue stumbling and flapping around and I’m not going to wait for the next wagon to come along!

I have no idea how I’m going to do it but I suspect I’m going to have to build my own wagon as opposed to hopping on someone else’s and going along for the ride because that never seems to work for long.

The first thing I think I need to do is identify what made me lose my grip. I believe it was letting life get the better of me and rolling with it. Instead of being busy but prepared with healthy food and forcing myself to take time out to go for a walk, I just hopped on the rollercoaster and zoomed off on the windy track to god knows where but it was defiantly backwards! Ok so add that to a “step” be prepared (1) and take time for me (2).

Half way through writing this we had to go to a seminar based on “Health and Safety cultures in the work place” The speaker used an analogy there that I identified with and can apply to my situation. Let me see if I can relay this as well as he did and relate it to weight loss.

Think of weight loss like a buoy in the ocean.  The visible buoy is the process – the visible. The chain is the procedures you follow, but at the core is the belief structure – the anchor.

Now, if what you see is pushed over to the side by outside influences and held there, as long as they are held there the you will see the visible shift in processes. But as soon as the focus is lifted or moved to a different area … What happens??


The buoy moves right back to where it was before.  SO no matter how much outside influences push us in the right direction, until we change what we believe, we will not see any permanent change.  In short, move the belief structure and the rest will come into line.

OK! Now knowing this, and what makes me a fat person, I am now able to perhaps break this down to something more logical and tangible for me to follow.

For every issue I have I need to find a solution instead of just doing what I have always done and gone, oh well – I will just have that today and tomorrow I will do better.

I need to make this permanent.

Yeah I know, this is hardly a brain wave or bright flash of inspiration but the analogy puts into a perspective I can actually relate to. That is the difference for me – Someone can tell me till they are blue in the face and it’s a bunch of words that go in one ear and out the other but you give me a visual and violà – I actually get it!!

So next step: Organisation!

House work needs to stay up to date.

I did really well when I planned my meals and got them ready on a Sunday afternoon.

Going for a walk every second day with other training in-between is important.

Getting enough sleep – so sticking to a routine

Managing where I go and what I do – do NOT Put too much in my social calendar. My friends and family will understand.

WATER – especially with lemon in it. Must make sure I drink enough.

PLAN and stick to it! Plan to stick to it. Put in place fail safes for when times of depression comes. Study when these things happen: who what why where and when are you??

Now it may take a few days to get these things sorted, and I already have a lot on in my calendar for the next two weeks, so I am going to have to make mini contingent plans for the next wee while.

One of the other issues I have is control.  although I like to have good control over my life – I like to be a bit spontanious. So things like writing in a diary or calorie counting isnt something Im good at, so its best if I can kinda plan for that too. but I am going to have to think about how to make that easier.

Well this has been a huge one, and Im sure you are probably wondering when the end is near so I will leave it here, do some work and come back when I have some solutions.

Much love to you all and thank you for being here for me!!

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