
Bio: Just a girl trying to her best and help others along the way.  Im intereseted in so many things its very hard to define it so I felt an overall broad approcah would suit best.

I live in the small town of Tokoroa, which is in New Zealand, the middle of the North Island.  It’s much like the town of Taupo that I grew up in.  I have had the same job here since 2007 and am quite happy with my little life.

Its not been an easy path to get here but I have learnt so much along the way.  It is my dearest wish that I can share some of my story, so that it may bring some comfort to others, that there is a litght at the end of the tunnel.  With just a little hard work, dedication to the cause and friendship – you can get to where you want to be.

I would be honered if you would join me and I welcome any constructive comments.

I also have a you tube channel if you would like to take a gander, Click here ← 😀

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